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Incredible Ryder Cup Style Matchplay Events on Golfify

Stunning Ryder Cup tournaments with customised team logos, colors and an incredible live leaderboard for maximum excitement.

Do you run a Matchplay event? You've come to the right place. With Golfify, you can create a fully customisable Ryder Cup style event, with team logos, colours and more. What's more, setup is a breeze. Check out our guides and examples for more information.

Organise Your Players Using Golfify Groups

Golfify Groups streamlines your admin by offering a dedicated space to manage your regular players. Organize effortlessly with single-tap invites and simple player additions to events, keeping everyone in the loop and ready to hit the fairways.

Slide depicting - Organise Your Players Using Golfify Groups

Golfify Subgroups - Divide and Conquer, Team Spirit Ignite

Subgroups in Golfify offer a simple yet powerful way to divide players into teams for competitive events. Customize each subgroup with unique colors and logos, then seamlessly integrate them into your tournament. This feature brings a new dimension to your tournaments, making every competition a thrilling team battle.

Slide depicting - Golfify Subgroups - Divide and Conquer, Team Spirit Ignite

Team Captains - Lead Your Lineup

Empower your event with Golfify's Team Captains feature, where leadership takes the front seat. Team captains, not just the event host, can select players and set tee times, perfect for when teams are less familiar with each other.

Slide depicting - Team Captains -  Lead Your Lineup

Custom Logos and Colours

Bring your group events to life with customizable logos and colors for each team in Golfify. Tailor your team’s identity to stand out in the competition, adding a personalized touch that enhances the camaraderie and spectacle of your event.

Slide depicting - Custom Logos and Colours

Manual or Automatic? You Decided How to Assign Players

Simplify your setup with Golfify's auto-assign groupings. With a single tap, players can be distributed into matches and groupings, offering modes like random, seeded, and balanced for diverse gameplay. For multi-round events, align groupings by leaderboard standings, ensuring a seamless and fair competition every step of the way.

Slide depicting - Manual or Automatic? You Decided How to Assign Players

Rivalry Redefined, Ryder Cup Ready

Golfify transforms your Matchplay event into a spectacle with customizable Ryder Cup-style flair. Design your event with team logos, colors, and more, all with an easy setup process. Experience the pinnacle of team rivalry, tailored to your vision.

Slide depicting - Rivalry Redefined, Ryder Cup Ready

Layered Leaderboards, Multi-Dimensional Play

Elevate your matchplay events with Golfify by adding individual and team strokeplay or stableford leaderboards. This feature allows you to weave multiple contests into a single event, enriching the competitive experience and offering diverse ways for players to shine.

Slide depicting - Layered Leaderboards, Multi-Dimensional Play

Advanced Leaderboards - Customize Your Leaderboard

With Golfify's advanced leaderboards, dive deep into the game like never before. These enhanced boards bring a suite of detailed metrics to your fingertips, offering insights across a broad spectrum of stats. Elevate your analysis and engagement with every round, making every metric matter.

Slide depicting - Advanced Leaderboards - Customize Your Leaderboard

Golfify Special Contests - Contest Every Shot

Elevate your event with Golfify's Special Contests. Integrate a "Closest to the Pin" or "Long Drive" contest to inject extra excitement into your round. Fully customizable and versatile, these contests add an additional leaderboard, bringing every player's competitive spirit to the forefront.

Slide depicting - Golfify Special Contests - Contest Every Shot

Lightening Fast Cloud Scoring

Backed by Google Cloud Infrastructure, input scores and watch the leaderboard and statistics update instantly, wherever you are in the world.

Slide depicting - Lightening Fast Cloud Scoring

Your Round History & Stats in One Place

All your Golfify rounds will be saved so you have all your golf history in one place.

Slide depicting - Your Round History & Stats in One Place

GHIN Integration (Coming Soon).

Update and retrieve your official Golf Handicap Index from the USGA's Golf Handicap & Information Network®.

Slide depicting - GHIN Integration (Coming Soon).

See It In Action

Schedule a free one-to-one call using the link below. No obligation, we will do our best to help.